Current/Ongoing Projects


In addressing skin-NTDs with it associated mental health conditions in Ghana, MIHOSO International Foundation has partnered with Basic Need Ghana through Anesvad Foundation in collaboration with the Dormaa Central Municipal Health Directorate to implement a two year pilot project on integrated strategies and activities that seeks to contribute towards prevention, control and elimination of skin NTDs infection and to reduce the mental health and social stigma associated conditions among people suffering from the four main Skin-NTDs conditions namely Buruli ulcer, Yaws, Leprosy, Lymphatic Filariasis in project endemic communities in the Dormaa Central Municipal.

Building a civil society coalition to advocate for an integrated approach to control skin-NTDs and enhance the quality of life of vulnerable and affected people in Ghana.


  • To contribute to eradicate and eliminate skin NTDs in Ghana
  • To reduce the disease burden of skin-NTDs on both the affected people and the health system, especially at the Primary Health Care


Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) is a global project funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) which is dedicated to achieving and maintaining HIV epidemic control which is led by FHI 360 as prime.

EpiC is designed to break through remaining, persistent barriers to achieving the 95-95-95 goals among both key and priority populations (PP) and promotes self-reliant management of national HIV programs.

To Scaling-up effective case finding, linkage to ART, and retention on treatment to achieve epidemic control to achieve the 95-95-95 Target. EpiC has four objectives, which focus on filling existing HIV prevention, case finding, and treatment gaps, and on building long-term sustainability to attain and maintain epidemic control:

The specific objectives of the project are:

  1. Attain and maintain HIV epidemic control among at-risk adult men, women and PPs.
  2. Attain and maintain HIV epidemic control among KPs.
  3. Improve program management (including health information systems [HIS] and human resources for health [HRH]) and financial systems to ensure attainment and maintenance of epidemic control; and
  4. Support the transition of prime funding and implementation to capable local partners to meet the PEPFAR goal of 70% of funding to local partners.

MIHOSO Strengthening safety and security mechanisms for safer service provision project is a project under EpiC’s Objective 2: Attain and maintain HIV epidemic control among KPs and focus on enhancing safety and security whilst servicing Key Populations.

As a sub-grantee of the EpiC project for FY24, MIHOSO focused on the objective of attaining and maintaining HIV epidemic control among KPs, by strengthening its safety and safeguarding mechanisms and ensured the safety of both beneficiaries and staff in the Ahafo Region (Tano North and South) and Bono region.

  • Civil Society Strengthening Programme (CSSP), Shift the Power with WACSI and the STAR Ghana Foundation

With support from Comic Relief and FCDO, STAR Ghana Foundation is implementing an eight-year Civil Society Strengthening Fund – Shift the Power (CSSP – StP) project, which seeks to build sustainable partnerships with MIHOSO International to effectively represent their constituents (underserved groups), and to improve access to social services and public goods by members of underserved population networks and associations’.
It is based on this back ground that MIHOSO International Foundation has received a two-year grant from Star Ghana Foundation and West Africa Civil Society Institute WACSI to implement the Civil Society Strengthening Programme in Ghana.

The aim of the Civil Society Strengthening Fund is to identify and strengthen civil society in Ghana to become more resilient, responsive and effective in delivering the priorities of their constituents. This will be achieved through strengthening the effectiveness of civil society organisations and their advocacy on salient issues of their communities and groups.
This support will prioritise organisations whose strategic objectives and thematic areas of focus align with the CSSP-StP prioritized sectors. It will also support organisational strengthening to address capacity gaps in all areas of organisational growth - leadership and vision, operational, technical, and financial.

Specifically, the civil society strengthening fund will;

  • reinforce the impact of organisations as it will enable organisations to undertake interventions in line with their mission and mandates.
  • enable sustainability through flexible, longer-term financing (5 years) to support organisations to think and choose for themselves how best to invest for greater impact rather than being driven by donor agendas.
  • support organisational development to enhance performance effectiveness rather than only just delivering projects.
  • support innovation and creativity, making organisations more audacious in pushing boundaries.

To strengthen the robustness and financial resilience of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Social Enterprises Organizations (SEO).

To strengthen the financial sustainability and resource diversification of CSSF partners across a range of capacity areas. This includes robust financial management systems, financial planning, and income mobilisation and generation.
The specific objectives of the project are:

  1. To enhance the financial sustainability and resource diversification capacities of organisations.
  2. To strengthening Financial Sustainability and Resource Diversification
  3. To enhance organisation's long-term financial stability and expanding the range of funding sources
  4. To enhance Civil Society Organisations identity, operational prowess, financial acumen, and fostering diversification in funding streams.
  5. To build the capacity of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Social Enterprises Organizations (SEO).

Deliverables and Strategies:

  1. One on one review session and sustainability check
  2. Training
  3. Mentoring and Coaching
  4. Peer-to-Peer Exchange
  5. Provision of Technical Expertise

  • ILO-Global Accelerator Lab (GALAB) project on child labour and forced labour in Pru East District in Bono East Region

Ghana’s Accelerated Action Plan Against Child Labor GALAB project under the International Labour Organisation in collaboration with MIHOSO International Foundation, a local NGO is currently implementing a project on Child Labour (CL) and Forced Labour (FL) in 3 communities in the Pru East District, Bono East region of Ghana. The project seeks to eliminate CL and FL and its related forms which resonate with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 8.7). The project intends to collaborate with key stakeholders such as the Regional and District social welfare, department of children, NCCE and labor officers on the Ghana Child Labor Monitoring System (GCLMS) and SWIMS for identification and reporting CL/FL cases and social protection intervention. The project is a pilot project for eighteen months.

The main goal of the ILO-Global Accelerator Lab (GALAB) project is to intensify action against forced labour and child labour through innovation in Pru East District in Bono East Region


  1. To enhance the capacity of local institutions with a mandate on child protection and other human rights organisations to address child labour and forced labour through monitoring, referral and case management in the target communities.
  2. To provide vocational skills and or entrepreneurial skills to youth (15-17) and local community members for jobs.
  3. To protect children affected by and at risk of child labour and forced labour and support them to stay in school
  4. To improve financial literacy within selected project communities

Expected Outcome

  1. The project is expected to enhance the capacity of local institutions with a mandate on child protection and other human rights organisations whose mandate is to address child labour and forced labour through monitoring, referral and case management in the target communities
  2. It is expected that vocational skills and or entrepreneurial skills of 500 youth (15-17years) and local community members’ jobs opportunities will be enhanced in the project space time.
  3. The project seeks to protect affected children and those at risk of child labour and forced labour and support them to stay in school
  4. By the end of the project, it is expected that, the beneficiaries’ financial literacy in their respective communities will be enhanced

  • Community livelihood improvement through sustainable agricultural practices and agroforestry in Gambia No. 2, Asunafo North Municipal, Ahafo Region a cocoa growing area of Ghana.

TerraFund for AFR100 which was established in 2021 as a consortium, consisting of World Resources Institute, One Tree Planted, Realize Impact, and Barka Fund. Their aim is to provide the necessary financing and support to local communities involved in land restoration. In Ghana alone, 15 organizations made it to the final selection including 11 non-profits and 4 for-profits. These Ghanaian restoration champions will receive $2.75 million USD in investment. This investment is projected to grow 1.9 million trees, put 14,000 hectares of land under restoration, create 4,500 jobs, and improve the livelihoods of 29,000 people.
As part of effort to improve on cocoa landscape and Agroforestry in Asunafo North district, TerraFund in collaboration with MIHOSO international foundation to implement a cocoa landscape and agroforestry project in the Asunafo North district in the Ahafo Region to reduce deforestation and improve the livelihood of the community members in the district aimed at preserving the forest and to improve the livelihood of the people as a whole. MIHOSO team adopted a participatory based approach with the Chief and the elders of the community for their views and concern on the project implementation in the community. The allocated community for the project implementation which is Gambia no 2 is a full farming community and their major crop planting is cocoa in which almost all the community members are into cocoa plantation.
The project was launched in Kumasi Noda Hotel on 29th to 31st January, 2024. MIHOSO International Foundation received an agendum from the TerraFund for AFR100 to plant 108600 of both tree and fruit tree species using 100 smallholder cocoa of 150ha of land. The tree species selected (Mahogany, Ofram, Edinam, Emire, Cedella and Mansonia) and fruit trees (Coconut, mango, avocado, orange) on cocoa farms and on plain lands. The MIHOSO will create 250 jobs and provide alternative livelihood income such as bee keeping for the beneficiaries.

This project aims to increase vegetation diversity, providing habitat and food sources for a wide range of plant and animal species, increasing carbon sequestration, and improving erosion control through agroforestry at Gambia No. 2, Asunafo North Municipal, Ahafo Region


  1. Conduct a baseline survey in the forest fringe and cocoa-growing communities to determine the underlying causes of deforestation and degradation and its impacts on smallholder cocoa farmers in Gambia No. 2, Asunafo North Municipal.
  2. To engage in 150-hectare agroforestry among farmers in Gambia No. 2, Asunafo North Municipal of Ahafo Region by 2029
  3. To help provide alternative livelihood supports (beekeeping) and job opportunities to 250 smallholder cocoa farmers and youth in Gambia No. 2, Asunafo North Municipal.
  4. To train 100 smallholder cocoa farmers and youth in sustainable agricultural practices in Gambia No. 2, Asunafo North Municipal.

Expected Outcome

  1. Conduction of baseline survey was conducted among 150 smallholder cocoa farmers and stakeholders in Gambia No. 2, with findings on the underlying causes of deforestation and degradation and its impacts on the community.
  2. Agroforestry undertaken to plant 108600 tree and fruit species in 150-hectare within Gambia-Mim operational area, Asunafo North District
  3. 100 smallholder cocoa farmers trained and resourced in alternative livelihood support such as beekeeping with better income and creation of job opportunities
  4. 100 smallholder cocoa farmers and indirect beneficiaries are trained in sustainable agricultural practices

Asunafo North Municipal of Ahafo Region